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time machine

1/12 Scale Classics Time Machine

titan find – blakes 7

Blake's 7 Pursuit Ship
Blake's 7 London Model Kit
Scorpio Blakes 7



TWA Moonliner 41" Tall Resin Kit
Mars Umbrella Ship

civil war

world war two

1/35th LVTH6 Turret for the AFV Club kit
WWII Japanese Shinyo Boat
WWII Hand Utility Cart Model Kit
WW2 German Flak Sled


1/12 Scale Fat Man Atomic Bomb
Massive Ordnance Air Blast

Brown water navy

PGM V Armored Troop Carrier
Scale Douche Boat
Assault Surface Patrol Boat
1/35th Program 5 MK 49 Monitor
31’ Patrol Boat River


Waco CG 4A Glider
Wrecked Japanese Zero Model Kit

custom dioramics


LIMA 604 Kit MMCE001